object Form4: TForm4 Left = 334 Top = 102 Width = 328 Height = 218 Caption = 'Monitor Gamma Correction' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsStayOnTop OldCreateOrder = True OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose OnDeactivate = FormDeactivate PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object Image1: TImage Left = 100 Top = 10 Width = 78 Height = 53 end object Image2: TImage Left = 177 Top = 10 Width = 79 Height = 53 end object ScrollBar1: TScrollBar Left = 98 Top = 79 Width = 159 Height = 16 Hint = 'Select the gamma that most closely matches the two gray areas ab' + 'ove.' PageSize = 0 ParentShowHint = False Position = 50 ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 OnScroll = ScrollBar1Scroll end object Edit1: TEdit Left = 158 Top = 108 Width = 40 Height = 24 Hint = 'Select the gamma that most closely matches the two gray areas ab' + 'ove.' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 1 OnChange = Edit1Change end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 30 Top = 148 Width = 99 Height = 30 Hint = 'Click Save to save these monitor gamma settings for future sessi' + 'ons' Caption = 'Save' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 OnClick = BitBtn1Click Kind = bkOK end object BitBtn2: TBitBtn Left = 217 Top = 148 Width = 92 Height = 30 Hint = 'Click Cancel if you do NOT want to save these settings' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = BitBtn2Click Kind = bkCancel end end